2 Things To Understand About Buying A Propane Tank From A Supplier

2 Things To Understand About Buying A Propane Tank From A Supplier

2 Things To Understand About Buying A Propane Tank From A Supplier

16 December 2017
, Blog

If you want to use propane to heat up your home, you need to have somewhere to put the propane. You can purchase your own propane tank, or you can lease one from a propane supplier. If you choose to lease or borrow a propane tank from a propane supplier, you need to understand the conditions under which you are leasing a propane tank.

#1 You Have to Use The Supplier

One of the biggest conditions that are attached to the lease or use of a propane tank from a propane supplier is that you can only use their propane in the tank. You are generally asked to sign a document that states that you will only use that supplier to fill up the tank. This allows the supplier to establish a long-term relationship that is beneficial to both you and the supplier.

On your side of things, you don't have to invest in a propane tank, pay for its set-up or pay for its maintenance. You are able to enjoy the use of propane as an energy source without a large investment in parts. For the supplier, giving you a propane tank turns you into a long-term customer. Ideally, if you fill the propane tank a few times a year for years, you supplier will get their money back and profit from leasing you a propane tank.

#2 Supplier May Include Additional Terms

Be sure to look very closely at the terms that the supplier provides you with. You may be requir3d not only to use that specific supplier but meet other requirements as well in order to lease a tank from the propane supplier for free. For example, you may be required to fill the tank a certain number of times per year, or you may be required to use so many gallons of gas per year. Failing to meet those terms could result in the loss of your propane tank.

If a supplier attaches these types of terms to your propane tank lease, make sure that you match the size of tank to your needs. If it is estimated that your home will use 500 gallons of gas per year and you need to get the gas filled three times a year, you don't want to lease a 500-gallon tank; you want to lease a 100 – 200-gallon tank so you can meet the lease term requirements.

Leasing a tank from a supplier will help reduce the installation and equipment fees of using propane as an energy source for your home, and you will need to work with the supply company for your gas needs. 

For more information on propane for sale, contact your local provider. 

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Saving Energy Every Day

Do you remember the last time you received a high energy bill? It isn't always easy to know what to do about a high power bill, but by focusing on reducing your energy consumption, you can do what you can to prevent budget problems. I started focusing more and more on saving energy about a year ago, and it really helped us to get our budget under control. I wanted to start a blog completely dedicated to saving money and energy each and every day. Check out this website for great advice on making your home better than ever before.
